All images from with author attribution on the nominee page. Click on an image to learn more! Giant SpringtailHolacanthella spp. Ngaio WeevilAnagotus stephenensis Bat FlyMystacinobia zelandica Pūngāwerewere | Trapdoor SpiderCantuaria johnsi Piriwai | Yellow MayflyAmeletopsis perscitus Rō | New Zealand Giant Stick InsectArgosarchus horridus Pepeke Nguturoa | Giraffe Weevil Lasiorhynchus barbicornis Frosted PhoenixTitanomis sisyrota Long-tailed StoneflyZelandoperla fenestrata Rango pango | NZ Blue Blow FlyCalliphora quadrimaculata Mercury Island Tusked WētāMotuweta isolata Gravel MaggotSmeagol climoi Southern AntChelaner antarcticus Puene | New Zealand DobsonflyArchichauliodes diversus Putoko ropiropi | Gherkin SlugAthoracophorus papillatus Whe | New Zealand Praying MantisOrthodera novaezealandiae Mānuka Chafer BeetlePyronata festiva Honi | New Zealand Mole CricketTriamescaptor aotea Ātaka | Exquisite Olearia OwletMeterana exquisita Ngāokeoke | NZ Velvet wormPeripatoides novaezealandiae Powelliphanta | Giant Ground SnailPowelliphanta augusta Did you miss the previous Bug of the Year Competitions? You can learn more about 2023 and 2024 nominees here!