Anagotus stephenensis

The Ngaio Weevil is a huge flightless weevil that lives on one island in the Marlborough Sounds. Ngaio weevils only eat ngaio, which is quite toxic to many animals. They live on Takapourewa, where there is also the world’s largest population of tuatara, their main predator. They live on the ground by day, hiding among grasses and leaves, emerging at night to feed on the branches of ngaio. They can be as large as 31 mm and 1.3 g, which is larger than some of the native frogs that they share Takapourewa with.

This species was thought to be on the verge of extinction in the 1980s. However, tree planting by Ngāti Koata and DOC volunteers in the 1990s and 2000s improved the availability of ngaio trees in areas that were naturally lower in tuatara densities. This has revived this species, so that it is quite readily found on the island, although it remains critically endangered with a population of only several hundred.

Check these links for more info on the Ngaio Weevil in NZ

Wikipedia: Information on Anagotus stephenensis

RNZ Critter of the Week: Ngaio Weevil

Facebook: Ngaio weevil for Bug of the Year 2025 

For Media Enquiries

For media enquiries, you can contact Bug of the Year Committee or the Champion running the campaign for the Ngaio Weevil: Mark Anderson


Click on the image to visit the official observation. image © Andy MacDonald image © Mark Anderson
Colouring Page

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